Well it's been a year since i've updated... wow... so much has happened. and i've decided this blog is gonna become an awesome new blog. I show you stuff i like and do and not a lot of bla. I promise :)
Hello world. Yes I have finally come back to my senses, a bit... But I thought I would like to dedicate my post today to Royksopp, who really made my day after an incredibly shitty week. I love you guys and my not so perfect ode to you: http://www.vimeo.com/7093145
art center is the place to have your soul sucked out of your body. It gives you irritating, never ending eye-twitching, it does not allow you to glimpse the beauty of the dirtiness of LA - it's raining/winding ashes... it gives some people stomach ulcers, others see green and in loops, it makes your ears hear ringing sounds, it makes you sleep and wake up every twenty minutes if it even lets u sleep, cramps in the shoulders are the norm, even backaches, to summon this up - this is my life and I would appreciate trading it at the moment, because now I feel like a fizzle rather than a flame.
UCLA football game, now I'm a reaaal american, and don't ever have to go see a game ever, ever, ever again. It was too hot and way too many drunk people.
materials of art and design 2nd project. the first one is not worth showing... really. this was made out of plaster and different woods that i cut into pyramids using the bandsaw and the sanding machine.
fog at school.
ah and the great mistake the cash register made, supposedly owing me 290 something thousand $ back... now that would have made my day. Well actually that day was pretty awesome - I got 50$ for being on a commercial (which was in a candid camera style thing).
randomess from the inside of my car...
pepsi. The logo sucks.
comdes 2 - menu, poster whatever...
this was design 2 - form - make an abstraction out of nature - mine was a dragonfly...
the new jaguar at school a while ago shitty pix all done by my iphone...
a few images...
it's been a while, I know... but school is stressing me out to the point, that I have had an annoying eye twitching for the past 5 days... anywho here are some new motion videos of mine you can check out http://www.vimeo.com/7093145
I will upload some type and so forth when I have the time...
But EXCITING NEWS! I am a participant for the art center DesignStorm coming wednesday - now who would have thought a lowly 3rd termer could participate in an upper term -
ich bin grafik design studentin mit großen zielen und heiße in echt bianca, nur mein bruder nennt mich bunky monkey, weil mein neffe es so lustig findet.