what have I been doing? well basically, tomorrow is my last day of narrative strategies - finished my manuscript with my one-act play on deception and jealousy, short poems and a short story on jealousy. if you wanna read them you will have to ask me, because I'm not stupid enough to post them so some bastard might rip em and claim them their own.
psychology and anatomy of perception is due next week - i'm writing a paper on visual perception and emotions and writing a test on neurology next tuesday.
design2 is a friggin' pain in the ass. midterm went not quite to my expectations as I only got an A- but whatever. now I have to make an abstarct 3d structure of a dragonfly and I CAN'T DO IT... only have 1.5 weeks of school left.
Comdesign is poster time. you'll see what i did and what my final is for that.
Interactive is insane. we have to make a mobile web prototype using flash and html and the accompanying website for that too. need to do sketches for that. but now picture time:
this is my bullshitted zagat social webpage layout - not good i know. did it in 35 min and I don't care....

and this is the mobile page I designed to go with it.
just a layout right now...

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